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Contemporary Furniture Finishes: Exploring the Versatility of Modern Design

In today’s high-paced world, contemporary design has become quite a popular selection for a lot of homeowners who like to stay ahead of the newest trends in interior design. With bold colors, sleek lines, and exceptional finishes, modern furniture pieces will transform any room into a work of art, adding comfort and functionality. 

But, what sets this contemporary furniture different from the traditional pieces is its versatility of modern finishes. From natural wood veneers to high-gloss lacquer, Contemporary Finishing experts are pushing the boundaries of what is possible with various materials and finishes.

In this post, we are going to explore some of the highly popular contemporary furniture finishes, and how they are used for creating modern and stunning interiors that will reflect your personality. Whether you are a fan of minimalism or want a more eclectic look, there is a contemporary furniture finish ideal for your home. Let us go deep and discover some of the popular modern designs!

Popular Contemporary Furniture Finishes

There are several popular contemporary finishes that can be used to create a wide range of looks, from sleek and modern to warm and inviting. Here are a few of the most popular contemporary furniture finishes:

  • Glossy – Glossy finishes are shiny, reflective, and highly polished. They’re perfect for creating a sense of glamour and sophistication in a space. Glossy finishes are often used on materials like lacquer or glass and used to create different looks, from modern and sleek to vintage and retro.
  • Matte – Matte finishes are soft, subtle, and understated. They’re perfect for creating a sense of warmth and coziness in a space. Matte finishes can be used on a wide range of materials, from wood to metal to plastic. 
  • Textured – Textured finishes are rough, tactile, and highly interesting. They’re perfect for creating a sense of depth and interest in a space. Textured finishes can be used on a wide range of materials, from wood to metal to plaster. 
  • Metallic – Metallic finishes are shiny, reflective, and highly polished. They’re perfect for creating a more modern look. Metallic finishes can be used on a wide range of materials, from metal to plastic to wood. 

Professional Modern Furniture Design Services

If you’re not confident in your DIY skills, then our expert French Polishing Service may be the solution!

We can offer;

  • Lacquer finishing – Lacquer finishing is a more advanced furniture finishing technique. It involves applying multiple layers of lacquer to a piece of furniture, resulting in a highly polished, glossy finish.
  • Traditional hand finished French polishing which requires the application of several coats of shellac


Contemporary furniture finishes are an important element of modern design. By choosing the right finish for your furniture, and incorporating it into your home decor, you can create a space that’s both visually stunning and highly functional. So go ahead and find the best contemporary finishing company in London – the possibilities are endless!